
Project Customer Location Expertise

Transformation of a farm into housing

Private Longsdorf Architecture, Interior Design

Tennis hall

Sicosport Kaydall Rumelange Architecture, Interior Design

Limited consultation on call for applications

Communal Administration of Mersch Mersch Architecture, Interior Design, Urban planning

Red Rock Climbing Center

Klotertuerm Soleuvre Architecture, Interior Design

Kannerhaus Jean Therapeutic Centre

Red Cross of Luxembourg Berg Architecture, Interior Design

Duerfzenter Koler

Communal Administration of Garnich Kahler Architecture, Interior Design

Single Family Home

Privé Esch-sur-Alzette Architecture, Interior Design

"Haff Bredimus" Accommodations

Fonds du Logement Huncherange Architecture, Interior Design

Südspidol Medical House

Emile Mayrish Medical Center Esch-sur-Alzette Architecture, Interior Design, Urban planning

Music School

Communal Administration of Mondorf-les-Bains Altwies Architecture, Interior Design

Hostellerie Stafelter

Private Walferdange Architecture, Interior Design

Nursing home Alyséa

Les jardins d'Alyséa S.A. Crauthem Architecture, Interior Design