New visual identity
We are very happy to share with you our new visual identity with our new logo, our new graphic charter and our new website. We toasted to this renewal last Friday (March 29, 2019)!

Our aim is to affirm our brand and make it more dynamic. Indeed, in less than thirty years Beng has grown from four people to eighty people. The company has therefore grown continuously over the years and has asserted its presence in the market. The arrival of the new partners in 2015 confirms a desire to pass the torch from the founding partners to the new partners. This new team benefits from the experience in old and the enthusiasm of the new partners. We also show a willingness to put more emphasis on Beng talents and their work. Indeed, until today the office was mainly represented by its 4 founders. We want to change this image of the founding fathers towards a more "corporate" Beng. At the same time, it will make it possible to highlight the work of his talents and to show the public the various assets of our office. This change in visual identity is reflected in a new logo, a new graphic, photographic and editorial charter, and a brand new website. In other words, a new skin that we are very happy to present to you!